Tamil Actor and Nadigar Sangam General Secretary Vishal on Thursday, August 29, said that the association will form a committee in the next ten days to look into instances of human rights violation, including sexual harassment, in the film industry. Addressing the media on his birthday, Vishal was responding to a question whether a similar panel like the Hema Committee could be formed in the state.
He said that it was the duty of Kollywood’s South Indian Artistes Association, commonly known as the Nadigar Sangam. However, the Hema Committee was not set up by the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (A.M.M.A.)—the equivalent to the Nadigar Sangam in Mollywood. Following the actor assault case in 2017, the Kerala government constituted the Hema Committee after the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC) met with Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.
“The Nadigar Sangam will form a committee in the next ten days. Preparations are underway and an announcement will be made soon. It is our duty to do so. The association is not just for the men in the industry. It’s also for women to know that there is someone there for them,” the actor said.
In the wake of the release of the Hema Committee report and the subsequent sexual harassment allegations, A.M.M.A executive committee members including its president and Malayalam superstar Mohanlal, tendered their resignations on Tuesday, August 27, after it became untenable for them to continue.
Despite acknowledging that similar sexual harassment problems persist in Kollywood, Vishal placed the onus on women to protect themselves. “Yes, there are definitely insane men who have no respect for women and make such demands. Women need to be cautious. They need to verify if the [production] company is legitimate and if they’re truly making a movie as they’re claiming. They should check all of this before signing on. They should be fearless and be able to slipper men like that,” he stated.
It has also been repeatedly proven, even in the Hema Committee report, that women who speak up about sexual harassment or assault are branded as ‘troublemakers’ and denied future career opportunities.
Read: Hema Committee report reveals power abuse, harassment, manipulation in Malayalam cinema
When it was pointed out to Vishal that sexual abuse was a common practice among established male stars and that prominent figures like Jayasurya, Siddique and CPI(M) MLA and actor Mukesh are facing sexual assault charges, he said, “If the person has done a wrong, they certainly must be jailed for it. How can they live well after destroying a woman’s life? They must face the punishment for their sins.”
The actor further said, “Only about 20% of those who come into the industry make it. 80% of them come looking for opportunities, but as you said, face only disappointment. I have no disagreement here.”