The release of the Hema Committee report, which revealed the abysmal working conditions and rampant sexual harassment faced by women in the Malayalam film industry, has triggered another #MeToo wave in Kerala. Amid a storm of sexual harassment allegations against big industry names — including senior actors such as Siddique, Mukesh, Jayasurya, Maniyanpilla Raju, Edavela Babu, Baburaj, directors Ranjith, Sajin Baabu, VA Shrikumar, and others — the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) announced on August 27 that all of its office bearers were resigning en masse. This included president and Malayalam superstar Mohanlal.
The Hema Committee report was released on August 19, five years after it was submitted to the state government, with heavy redactions to protect the privacy of the people who deposed, removing all identifiers and even the names of the perpetrators. The report made shocking revelations, including that junior artists were treated like slaves, and that a ‘power lobby’ slapped shadow bans on those who didn’t toe their line.
The Kerala government has now set up a Special Investigation Team (SIT) under IGP G Sparjan Kumar, to conduct a preliminary probe into the sexual harassment allegations made against several actors.
You can read our entire coverage of Hema Committee report here, and here are the latest developments: