Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, on Saturday, August 17, inaugurated a housing facility for 18,720 women employees of Foxconn, a key supplier for iPhone manufacturing company, Apple.. The 10-floor, 13-block complex, built by the state government, offers modern amenities like kitchens, dining areas, CCTV cameras, and play areas.
Foxconn will pay rent on a per-bed basis. This initiative follows the 2021 protests by Foxconn workers against poor living conditions and food poisoning incidents. Apple had subsequently put Foxconn on probation.
CM Stalin highlighted Tamil Nadu's status as home to 42% of India's industrial women workforce and showcased various women empowerment initiatives. He said that the state Government aims to make Tamil Nadu a $1 trillion economy by 2030, leveraging its position as the country's second-largest economy.
"Already Tamil Nadu is the second largest economy in the country. It leads in several fronts, according to Niti Aayog data. We want to make Tamil Nadu a $1 trillion economy by 2030," he said.
The project was developed with an investment of ₹170 crore from SIDCO, ₹500 crore in loans, and ₹30 crore from the central government's affordable housing scheme.