At least three people were injured after chaos ensued at the Central Prison premises in Madurai in Tamil Nadu on Wednesday, December 29, as violence broke out inside the prison. The scuffle also resulted in traffic being temporarily blocked on the main road outside as groups of inmates were seen standing on the prison roof, with bloody chests, hurling stones and bottles at the street.
According to officials, more than 1,300 prisoners are lodged in the prison in Madurai. Recently, some prisoners from Trichy were transferred there. Following this, a quarrel broke out between a group from Madurai and the group from Trichy two days ago. This led to some of the inmates climbing onto the roof of the prison and hurling stones and bottles at the main road below. The Central Prison road was brought under the control of the police and was temporarily blocked for public transport to ensure the safety of road users as bottles were thrown by the prisoners in different directions.
Previously, when tensions between the two groups arose, prison authorities mediated and pacified the groups, according to the police. Officials said the two groups again clashed on Wednesday, as they demanded protection from the police. They also raised slogans, asking the prison guards and police to provide them with protection.
Three prison inmates were injured in the incident at the jail. Police said that they were given first aid, and are out of danger. Prison Superintendent Tamil Selvam held talks with the groups and brought the situation under control.
This is the second time that such an incident is taking place in the Central Prison in Madurai. In 2019, a similar situation occurred, when prison inmates were seen climbing the compound wall of the jail and hurling stones at guards.