The Madras High Court on Wednesday, September 4, dismissed a plea by self-proclaimed godman Nithyananda to be recognised as the head of four maths in Nagapattinam and Tiruvarur districts. The court ruled that the appointments made by the Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department shall remain in place. However, Justice M Dhandapani, who presided over the case, praised Nithyananda's sermons, describing them as ‘deeply meaningful’.
The late pontiff Atmananda who headed the maths had named Nithyananda as the successor. However, Nithyananda’s appointment as the head was challenged following a rape case and other scandals. Since the cases regarding the appointment were still pending with the Nagapattinam sessions court, the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department had appointed a new head for the maths.
Nithyananda’s counsel Nithya Gopika Anand challenged the appointment of a new head of these maths. While hearing the case on Wednesday, Justice Dhandapani, had asked the counsel to arrange for Nithyananda to come to court. However, his counsel said he was abroad, following which the court asked if Nithyananda could attend court through a video call. The counsel however said that he would not appear on a video call.
Subsequently, the court dismissed the petition.
Justice Dhandapani also praised Nithyananda’s spiritual sermons by calling them “excellent.” He recalled a particular phrase ‘Kadhavai thira, kaatru varattum’ (translates to open the door, let the wind enter) and said that it was “deeply meaningful.” This was also the title of a column that he used to write for Tamil magazine Kumudam many years ago.
It may be noted that Nithyananda was accused of rape in 2010. He was arrested and later released on bail. In 2020, the bail was cancelled after a petition claimed that Nithyananda had escaped from the country. Nithyananda is believed to have left the country and established his ashram in a location he calls Kailasa. However, the location of this place has since been under speculation.