Tamil Nadu’s Information Technology (IT) and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) companies have been asked to work from home, but the government has also said that if not feasible, people can operate from office.
According to a government order (GO) issued by the Department of Health and Family Welfare of Tamil Nadu on Monday after the Chief Minister announced prohibitory orders for the entire state, IT and ITES companies have been exempted from abiding by the restrictions that would be in place across the state. “IT, Financial Services Back Offices and ITES Companies. IT and ITES units will ensure employees work from home. Where it is not feasible to do so, units dealing with critical and essential services will continue to operate taking all protective measures,” reads the GO. Similarly, the GO also exempts the transport arrangements put in place by these companies to enable their employees to commute between office and their homes.
The exemption also comes as many employees complain that their requests to work from home have been refused by their companies due to ‘efficiency’ concerns and data security issues. Since many ITES companies work to service their clients, the agreements between such companies and their clients will involve a strict ‘no work from home’ policy, due to which the companies would not be in a position to grant their employees the option.
The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Edappadi K Palaniswami, announced that the state will be on a complete lockdown from 6 pm on Tuesday. He also stated that prohibitory orders under section 144 will be in place across the state to prevent crowding and gathering of people in public places. Following the announcement, prominent bus stands in Chennai and Coimbatore witnessed unprecedented rush and hundreds of youngsters started for their hometowns to be with their families.
Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu reported its first case of coronavirus without any travel history. A 54-year-old man from Madurai tested positive for the infection on Monday without any travel history.