The News Minute | June 5, 2014 | 4:36 PM IST Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa has requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to personally intervene to secure the release of Father Alexis Prem Kumar, who has been abducted in Afghanistan.In a letter to Modi Wednesday, text of which was released to the media here Thursday, Jayalalithaa said: "I would be grateful if you could kindly intervene personally and take up the matter at the highest level in Afghanistan so that the local authorities redouble their efforts to secure the safe and early release of Father Alexis Prem Kumar."She said Father Alexis Prem Kumar was on a humanitarian mission in Afghanistan and working with refugee children when he was kidnapped."The incident has caused considerable anxiety to his family and friends here in Tamil Nadu. "There is also a groundswell of sentiment in different parts of the state as Father Alexis Prem Kumar has a stellar record of having worked amongst tribal women and children for their welfare. There is a fear that his life may be in mortal danger," the letter said.Prem Kumar, head of NGO Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), was abducted from Zendjan district Monday while the 47-year-old was visiting a project site.IANS