The teaser of upcoming adult horror-comedy Irandam Kuthu, which is the sequel to the 2018 film Iruttu Arayil Murattu Kuthu, was released on October 7. Taking objection to it in his latest letter, director Bharathiraja has said that it was unbearable for him to watch the film’s promo. “Such vulgarity is not becoming of Tamil cinema, I condemn this. I insist that the government and the Censor Board have a tight grip over such things,” he has said.
Santhosh P Jaikumar, who directed the first film, is directing the sequel in addition to making his acting debut as the lead. Actors VJ Sha Ra and Motta Rajendran, who were seen in the first film, will be seen in the sequel too. Joining the cast are actor and TV anchor Akriti Singh, Bigg Boss Tamil fame Daniel Pope and Meenal who has starred in films like Ammavin Kaipesi and Anthony Yaar.
Bharathiraja, who expressed his discontent with the film’s genre, wrote, “Cinema is also business but it pains me to know that it has come down to using a banana as a symbol and taking it to people with a distasteful meaning.” He further added, “Don’t they have women in their homes? Won’t their women condemn this? No matter what, as a senior member, I will condemn it."
The teaser has some references to mastrubation as well as visuals, explicit scenes of women's bodies, actions indicative of fellatio and phallic symbols. Previously, a poster was released which shows two men holding giant bananas to their genitals with a woman in a bikini in between.
Pointing out that several masters have carefully constructed cinema, Bharathiraja said, “Cinema can show lifestyle. It is not wrong. It can talk about amorous gestures indirectly. But is it right to bring the bed to the street?” Perhaps anticipating that he will be called a 'culture police', he said, "I'm not someone who cries that this is derogatory to culture. But I feel that the dignity of the house should be protected."
He ends his letter with a note saying, “Do not exhibit a film that does social evils. How many rapes, child abuse? Is it not enough? People should realise that such films and thoughts only place waste on the plate.”
Iruttu Arayil Murattu Kuthu, an adult horror comedy, had Gautham Karthik, Yaashika Aannand, VJ Sha Ra, Vaibhavi Shandilya and Chandrika Ravi in the cast. The A-certified film was criticised for its crass content, but it did well at the box-office.
Santhosh made his debut as a director in 2015 with the Telugu film Gaddam Gang. This film was the Telugu remake of Soodhu Kavvum. In 2017, he made Hara Hara Mahadevaki starring Gautham Karthik, his first adult comedy. Then came Iruttu Arayil Murattu Kuthu in 2018. This film was remade in Telugu the next year as Chikati Gadilo Chithajotudu. Santhosh has an upcoming thriller with Arvind Swami titled Pulanaivu.