The News Minute | September 28, 2014 | 01.30 pm ISTTamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa’s conviction in Saturday’s judgement has made her the first sitting chief minister to be disqualified and the first politician to be fined a hefty amount of Rs. 100 crore in the Rs. 66 crore disproportionate assets case. It will also make her the only politician to be convicted thrice in her lifetime, after her previous two convictions.Despite Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s US visit happening at the same time, most English news channels gave a large chunk of its coverage to the Jayalalithaa case verdict from early Saturday morning. It was an eventful day for both news channels and online versions of news websites which continuously reported as news of the verdict trickled in and reactions erupted across the state.On Sunday, the conviction and arrest dominated almost all newspapers except one, that too from Chennai. The New Indian Express did not mention any news of Jayalalithaa’s arrest in its front two pages. In the third page, there was a story on the 4 year jail term that Jayalalithaa received, one on the self-immolation of a party worker and one on the sporadic violence across the state.While PM Narendra Modi’s visit to the US took up a little space on the paper’s front page, news of Jayalalithaa’s arrest was carried on the city page of the paper’s Chennai edition. The article was a Press Trust of India story.