Tamil Nadu police arrested two leather traders from Erode on Thursday for running over a biker with their Audi car in Annasalai.
According to police, the businessmen who were under the influence of alcohol, went in the wrong direction from Spencer Plaza to Teynampet on the one-way route and hit the biker head-on in front of a TVS showroom.
The deceased has been identified as Kevin Raj (25), a resident of Kasi Gardens in Kasimedu who worked at Star Hotel in Guindy.
Police arrested the duo of Mohammed Farook (39) and Mohammed Shafi (31) as they were trapped inside their car after the emergency air bag opened.
Another pick up van driver was also injured in the incident after he tried to get out of the way of the speeding Audi.
“We sent them to the Government Hospital in Chennai for medical examination to confirm that they were under the influence of alcohol when the accident occurred,” a police officer told Times of India.
Times of India reported, the Anna Square traffic investigation wing police registered a case under Section 304 (II) (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) of IPC and a magistrate court in the city remanded them in jail.