The BJP’s Tamil Nadu unit was left embarrassed after a history sheeter attempted to join the party at an event on Monday, but instead fled on seeing the police. ‘Redhills’ Suryah, the gangster who was supposed to join the BJP in the presence of state President L Murugan, is reportedly an accused in over 50 cases including half a dozen murder cases.
Based on a tip-off, the Chengalpattu police rushed to the spot near Vandalur where the event was scheduled to take place. On seeing the policemen, however, Suryah escaped in a car. The police, however, arrested at least four of his accomplices who were present at the event and seized weapons from their vehicles.
The police registered an FIR under section 41 [when a police officer can arrest without a warrant] of the CrPC against the men who were nabbed and then let them go after getting an undertaking from them. Video footage from the event is also being inspected by the police to confirm the presence of Suryah in the event.
Speaking to the reporters later on the issue, L Murugan said that he is not aware of the background of those coming forward to join BJP. The event was reportedly organised by a party functionary in connection with a wedding in his family.
According to reports, the BJP has come under criticism for inducting into the party history sheeters like ‘Kalvettu’ Ravi alias Ravi Shankar and Sathyaraj. Ravi is accused in several cases including six murders and 13 cases of extortion, criminal intimidation and attempt to murder. He joined the party with his aides at the party headquarters Kamalalayam recently in the presence of state general secretary Karu Nagarajan.
JJ Muralidharan from Salem, accused in two murder cases, six robberies and four dacoity cases, was given the District youth Wing president post recently.