The Chennai airport incurred the highest loss among public airports in India in the 2021-22 financial year, according to a reply by the Union Civil Aviation Ministry in Rajya Sabha. The reply had listed 124 airports run by the Airport Authority of India (AAI), along with the details of profit or loss made by them in the past three financial years. According to the data provided, the Chennai international airport incurred the highest loss of Rs 189.85 crore followed by Dehradun (loss of Rs 98.02 crore) and Agartala airports (Rs 80.67 crore).
The reply was given to questions raised by Rajya Sabha MP from Rajasthan Neeraj Dangi. He had raised three questions: State/Union Territory-wise details of loss-making airports in the country along with the reasons for such losses; details of losses suffered by these airports during the last three years; and details of steps taken or being taken by the government to make these airports profitable. In his reply, Minister of State for Civil Aviation VK Singh said that the losses incurred were mainly due to low revenue generation. This hindered airports from meeting the total expenditure, including maintenance cost of the respective airports. “The COVID-19 pandemic has also adversely impacted the revenue of airports during FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22,” he said.
The minister also added that the AAI has been taking steps to make these airports profitable “by enhancement of non-aeronautical revenue by award of contracts through Master Concessionaires, optimum utilization of commercial space for revenue enhancement, city side development, Revenue Share Model for select commercial contracts and utility cost optimization like LED replacement, Solar panel installation etc. AAI has also taken steps to enhance aeronautical revenue in the form of increase in airport charges at non-major airports.”