After sitting at former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa’s memorial at the Marina Beach in Chennai for about 40 minutes on Tuesday night, caretaker CM O Panneerselvam came up with quite a few shocking revelations to the media.
Here are five big takeaways from the late night OPS’ press meet:
1. “I was forced to resign.”
OPS stated that he was compelled to resign from the post of Chief Minister. “I asked them how it could be fair when they had organised the MLA meeting (without his knowledge) and decided everything on their own,” he said.
Moreover, he had wanted to go to Jayalalithaa’s memorial to seek Amma’s blessings before tendering his resignation, but they simply did not allow him to do so.
2. “I asked them why they were insulting me like this.”
After the MLA meeting on Sunday, OPS had walked out, sporting a smiling face. But speaking to the media on Tuesday night, he clearly stated that he felt deeply insulted at the time.
3. “I never wanted to be CM. Why did they make me CM to insult me now? They held my hand and asked me to save the party.”
“The entire country is shocked with the way the party (AIADMK) is being run. Party workers too are shocked,” he insisted.
4. “Good work done by the AIADMK government during Cyclone Vardah had irritated her (hinting at Sasikala without naming her).”
OPS spoke about all that he has done for the people of Tamil Nadu, especially referring to the hard work put in by himself and his ministers after Cyclone Vardah. She (Sasikala) was however not impressed, but rather quite irritated by all the good work, OPS claimed.
5. “I will fight alone if need be, I am ready for that.”
When asked by reporters whether he planned to withdraw his resignation, OPS replied, “If the people want….if cadre want (he would be willing).” He also added that if the need arose, he was willing to wage a lone battle and that he is prepared for the same.