A video of a film-style interaction between Thiruvananthapuram Congress MP Shashi Tharoor and NCP Baramati MP Supriya Sule in Parliament has gone viral. The video shows Lok Sabha proceedings on Tuesday, April 5, when the House was discussing the situation in Ukraine.
National Conference leader and former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah was speaking about the same, when Supriya Sule, who was sitting next to him, turned around and can be seen talking to Shashi Tharoor, who was sitting in the row behind them. Tharoor can be seen resting his head on his arms while leaning to talk to the NCP leader, which sparked the imagination of social media users. Soon, videos flooded the internet of Tharoor and Sule’s interaction, with romantic film songs over it.
Shashi Tharoor ji, our inspiration pic.twitter.com/wmdK8nYT4v
— Sushant Mehta (@SushantNMehta) April 7, 2022
Several memes were also made, with some people calling it ‘work life balance’, and the lesson to be learnt about ‘focussing on work’.
One should train one's mind to focus on important issues
— देश की सोचो, पार्टी की नहीं (@AMIT_GUNJANN) April 6, 2022
- Shashi Tharoor pic.twitter.com/4pZk5vqxuX
Shashi Tharoor teaching us that work life balance is important pic.twitter.com/yDflm544OF
— AIl India Memes (@allindiamemes) April 6, 2022
After the videos went viral, Shashi Tharoor responded to it by saying that Sule was asking him a policy question and he leaned over to hear her as she was speaking softly so as not to disturb the debate.
"For all those who've been enjoying themselves at @supriyaSule's & my expense over our brief exchange in the Lok Sabha, she was asking me a policy question because she was about to speak next. She was speaking softly so as not to disturb FarooqSahib, so I leaned over to hear her," Tharoor said in a tweet.
But when the memes continued, Tharoor replied to his own tweet with lyrics of the hit Kishore Kumar song from Amar Prem — 'Kuch toh log kahenge, logon ka kaam hai kehna', tagging Sule.