Kerala Leader of Opposition and Congress leader VD Satheesan, on Sunday, May 26, alleged that the tourism department had participated in a virtual meeting to draft a liquor policy for the state. He added that this was an intrusion on the functioning of the excise department. However, tourism director Sikha Surendran refuted the allegations stating that it was a meeting attended by all the stakeholders of the tourism industry.
Speaking to reporters at the MLA’s office in North Paravoor, Satheesan said that he has proof of a virtual meeting that was held on May 21 and added that both the tourism department and the bar owners participated in the meeting. He also questioned why the tourism department intervened in liquor policy, which comes under the purview of the excise department. Satheesan also alleged that the policy was discussed during the meeting, including the clauses related to extension of bar working hours and that this was done at the behest of Tourism Minister PA Mohamed Riyas.
Sikha stated that it was not a “special meeting of bar owners or related to the government’s liquor policy, as is now being made out to be”.
The issue has cropped up amidst the bar bribery controversy after an audio clip was leaked, purportedly of a hotel association state committee member, asking others to pay a bribe for a “favourable state liquor policy”. After the audio clip went viral, Excise Minister MB Rajesh clarified that the government is yet to begin preliminary discussions on the liquor policy and that strict action must be taken against those who attempt to influence state policies.