Hindutva seeks to appropriate Mahakavi Kumaran Asan: Family calls it vicious propaganda

Hindutva seeks to appropriate Mahakavi Kumaran Asan: Family calls it vicious propaganda

Recognised as a ‘maha kavi’ or great poet, Kumaran Asan had staunchly opposed the Hindu caste system all his life, through his writing and social work.

In a small thatched house in the village of Thonnakkal in Kerala where he spent the last few years of his life, the great poet Kumaran Asan wrote Duravastha, a long anti-caste poem that would a hundred years later be given a new, vile spin. Set against the Mappila Rebellion of 1921, Duravastha told the story of a Brahmin woman called Savithri escaping the riots and finding an abode with a Dalit man. But in the past few years, Hindutva activists have been spreading a narrative that the poem was proof of Asan's ‘Hindutva vision’, when all his life the poet, who was from the lowered Ezhava caste himself, had staunchly fought the caste system and came to be known as a social reformer.

The Sangh has also been claiming that Asan was murdered by “Muslim terrorists”, when in fact the great poet had drowned after his boat capsized in River Pallana near Haripad in the winter of 1924. TNM spoke to P Vijaya Kumar, Asan's grandson and retired English professor, who calls this propaganda a “toxic and vicious” myth. 

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