After widespread anger over photos showing murder-accused Kannada superstar Darshan Thoogudeepa receiving VIP treatment in jail, seven police officials have been suspended. Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara told media persons on Monday, August 26, that as per preliminary investigations, seven jail officials have been found to be in providing special treatment to Darshan and have been suspended.
“It’s a serious security lapse,” the Minister said, adding that, “I was informed yesterday from Parappana Agrahara jail that Darshan and other inmates were sitting together drinking tea and smoking.I called the DIG and made inquiries. Now we have suspended seven officers.” The minister also said that an investigation would be launched into who had taken the photos that were leaked later.
Parameshwar further said, “The CCB also raided the jail a day before because they received a tip off. We will verify that too. We should make sure that this will not happen again.”
Earlier on August 25, photos of Darshan who is lodged in Parappana Agrahara for the abduction, torture and murder of a Chitradurga man, Renukaswamy, were leaked from inside the prison and went viral. In the leaked photos, Darshan is seen sitting in what seems like the garden area of the jail, holding a coffee mug in one hand and a cigarette in the other, alongside other inmates, including his manager Nagaraj and notorious rowdy sheeter Wilson Garden Naga. The photos led to speculation about how Darshan obtained cigarettes in a secure facility and whether he was enjoying undue comforts compared to other prisoners.
Many also recalled similar incidents in 2017 from the same jail where late Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa’s aide Sasikala had been lodged. CCTV footage from the time showed Sasikala meeting visitors for hours on end and moving out of her prison block carrying a bag.