Thursday was Bengaluru’s wettest day in June in seven years, according to data recorded by the India Meteorological Department (IMD). The weather station in Bengaluru city had recorded 52.44 mm rainfall in the 24 hours ending 8:30 am on June 4. The Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC) which has a total of 49 rainfall recording stations across Bengaluru observed that all five taluks of the city recorded excess rainfall. In comparison, the IMD has only three recording stations within the Bangalore Urban district. While Bengaluru East taluk saw a departure by 499%, there was only 15% departure in Anekal taluk, said the KSNDMC report.
Incidentally, IMD declared that the southwest monsoon had arrived in the state on June 4 morning. The city along with many districts in the state has been experiencing light to moderate rainfall along with thunderstorms over the past few days. The IMD’s 3.15pm bulletin on Friday warned of thunderstorm accompanied by lightning with light to moderate spells of rain and gusty winds speed reaching 30-40 kmph in Bengaluru rural, Bengaluru urban, Tumkur, Kolar, Chikballapur, Ramanagara, Chamarajanagar, Kodagu, Hassan, Chikmagalur, Davangere, Bidar, Kalaburagi, Vijayapura, Bagalkot and Koppal over the next three hours. Over the day, heavy to very heavy rainfall with extremely heavy falls at isolated places is very likely over coastal Karnataka, heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places over south interior Karnataka,
“After seeing the hottest June day in 7 years, Bengaluru city saw it's wettest June day in 7 years by recording 52.4 mm of rainfall till 8:30 am today. HAL received 41.3mm,” Bengaluru Weather, a Twitter handle run by weather enthusiasts, had pointed out.
After seeing the hottest June day in 7 years, #Bengaluru city saw it's wettest June day in 7 years by recording 52.4 mm of rainfall till 8:30 am today.#HAL received 41.3mm.#BengaluruRains #Premonsoon #Karnataka
— Bengaluru Weather (@BngWeather) June 4, 2021
Speaking with TNM, CS Patil, Director of IMD in Bengaluru confirmed the statistics. However, KSNDMC data shows that several areas in Bengaluru Urban district have recorded higher rainfall in the last seven years.
Talking only about City IMD? Because i remember we had extreme rainfall in Kengeri last june which was around 180mm. My home in hemmigepura 2 recorded 136mm on that day.
— ಬೇಳೆ ಒಬ್ಬಟ್ಟು (@BeleObbattu) June 4, 2021