The body of 34-year-old Subashree, who went missing on December 18, 2022, was recovered by Coimbatore police on Sunday, January 1. Subashree had gone missing after attending yoga classes at the Isha Yoga Centre in Coimbatore, where she had been since December 11 for a week-long ‘silence’ yoga class. When her husband, Manikumar (40) went to pick her up after a week on December 18, she was not at the centre. Police found Subashree’s body in a well in Semmedu which is about five kilometres away from the yoga centre. Post-mortem examination to ascertain the cause of death is underway.
According to Manikumar’s missing person’s complaint to the police, the classes on Sunday ended at 11 am and he had been waiting to pick up his wife. He waited there till 3pm but Subashree did not come outside. It was then that Manikumar went inside the Isha Yoga Centre to see where his wife was only to learn that the classes were done and all of them had left. Upon examining the CCTV footage at the reception, it was revealed that Subashree had left the establishment at 9:30 amvia the ‘sarpavasal’ (an entrance to Isha Yoga Centre).
Manikumar works as a quality inspector in a vest manufacturing company in Tiruppur while Subashree was working as a computer operator in the same district. The couple have a 13-year-old daughter and are residents of Avinashi in Tiruppur.