The private hospital to which actor Vivek was rushed on Friday morning said he had suffered an acute coronary syndrome with cardiac shock. Speaking to the media, Dr Raju Sivasamy, Vice President of SIMS Hospital in Chennai, said Vivek has 100% heart blockage in the LAD (left anterior descending artery) vessel and will be in critical care for 24 hours. It is only after this that any other procedure can be done.
Reiterating that Vivek’s health setback was a cardiac issue, Dr Sivasamy said it is not related to the COVID-19 vaccine, which the actor took on Thursday.
“Actor Padma Shri Dr Vivek was brought to the hospital in an unconscious state by 11:00 am, today by the family members. He was resuscitated in the emergency room by specialists. Later, he underwent Emergency Coronary Angiogram followed by Angioplasty. He is currently in critical condition on Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygen in the Intensive Care Unit. This is an acute coronary syndrome with cardiogenic shock. This is a separate Cardiac event. It may not be due to COVID vaccination,” read a statement from the hospital. (To resuscitate is to revive a person who has lost consciousness).
Vivek, who was brought to the hospital in an unconscious state by his wife and daughter, was under cardiac arrest for about an hour, the doctor said during the press meet. The actor is said to have fainted following chest pain and suffered a cardiac arrest when he was in the car en route to the hospital. “This is a cardiac arrest only. We have done CT scan, Genexpert and have not found any COVID-19 symptoms,” the doctor added.
The doctors at SIMS hospitals performed an emergency coronary angiogram on him after finding a 100% block in the LAD vessel of his left coronary artery. Doctors have placed a stent. Following this, Vivek was put on extra corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
Tamil Nadu Health Secretary J Radhakrishnan was also at the press meet, and he reiterated that the cardiac arrest was likely not due to the vaccine taken the previous day.
"The guidelines by the Union government say that people with certain comorbidities should get vaccinated and this includes cardiac problems. This came as a shock to us too. Only today we came to know about the LAD block,” he said.
Vivek is presently under ECMO support following an angio procedure. The doctor also answered further questions on Vivek’s health condition asked by a Puthiya Thalaimurai reporter following the press briefing. “He is under critical care support. His lungs need the support. When he came in, we had to resuscitate and bring back his pulse and blood pressure. While doing angio, we also did COVID-19 test. He had no COVID-19 symptoms in the tests that we did,” the doctor said
Adding that a review needs to be done 24-hours later to assess his condition, the doctor said, “Everything has now improved. He is under inotropic support for the heart and ECMO support for the lungs. He is expected to regain consciousness soon. His age too is a hopeful factor for his speedy recovery.”