Summer has arrived in Tamil Nadu. On Tuesday, Chennai city felt the heat and as many places recorded temperatures above 40 degree Celsius. Meenambakkam in the city recorded 41.3 degree Celsius, breaking the record for highest-ever temperature for the month of March. The India Meteorological Department predicted that the dry spell is likely to continue till April 3 all over Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Karaikal.
In Chennai, the sky will be clear for the next 48 hours, with maximum temperature of 36 Celsius and minimum temperature of 26 Celsius.
“The temperature may increase by 2-3 Celsius between March 20 and April 3 since the wind direction may change from northwest direction to towards the land in Tamil Nadu. The increase in temperature may likely be felt in Chennai, Kanchipuram, Chengalpattu, Vellore, Ranipet, Tirupattur, Tiruvallur, Tiruvannamalai, Villupuram, Cuddalore, Salem, Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri, Kallakurichi, Namakkal, Karur, Trichy, Perambalur, Ariyalur, Mayiladuthurai, Puducherry and Karaikal,” according to a release from the Regional Meteorological Department.
On Tuesday, Chennai recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degree Celsius, which is 4.7 degrees higher than normal. Coimbatore recorded 37.6 Celsius, Vellore recorded 41.3 Celsius, Trichy recorded 40.9 Celsius and Puducherry recorded 38 Celsius.
In Chennai, Nungambakkam recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 Celsius, while Chennai Airport experienced a maximum temperature of 41.3 Celsius. Tamil Nadu Weatherman Pradeep John tweeted on Tuesday, “Chennai Meenambakkam records 41.3 C and beats the all time record for hottest day for March month, Chennai Meenambakkam had recorded 39.2 C on 31 March 2014 and Chennai Nungambakkam had 40.6 C recorded on 29th March 1953.”
Records Tumble
— Tamil Nadu Weatherman (@praddy06) March 30, 2021
Chennai Meenambakkam records 41.3 C and beats the All Time Record for hottest day for March month
Chennai Meenambakkam had recorded 39.2 C on 31st March 2014.
Chennai Nungambakkam had 40.6 C recorded on 29th March 1953.
Reiterating the same, Srikanth of Chennai Rains stated that Chennai Airport recorded 41.3 C, the highest recorded temperature during the month of March, which broke a nearly 80-year-old record.
#Breaking, #Chennai AP records 41.3ºC the highest recorded temp during the month of March breaking nearly 80 year old record. The previous highest was 40.6ºC, on 29th March 1953. IMD Observatory at Nungambakkam has recorded 38.3ºC today. #COMK #Summer2021. #இனிமேல்இப்படிதான்
— ChennaiRains (COMK) (@ChennaiRains) March 30, 2021
Speaking to TNM, IMD sources said, “This is the highest-ever temperature recorded this year. However, we have not compared the increase with temperature of previous years. But the increase is due to the change in wind directions.”