The Adambakkam police have finally registered a case against Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) president Dr Subbiah Shanmugam for harassing a woman neighbour by allegedly urinating near the entrance of her home and throwing other rubbish at her house.
The Adambakkam police have booked charges under Section 271 ( Disobedience to quarantine rule), Section 427 (Mischief causing damage to the amount of fifty rupees) of Indian Penal Code and under the Tamil Nadu Prevention of Women Harassment Act against Subbiah.
The ABVP officer bearer and head of Department of Surgical Oncology in Kilpauk Medical College has been allegedly harassing a woman, who was living alone, in an apartment in Nanganallur by throwing garbage and urinating near the gate. He has however not been arrested. The family filed the complaint on July 11, but the police have filed the FIR only after public outrage.
The woman and Subbiah had a disagreement over a parking lot. She had said that Subbiah can use her parking lot on the condition that he pays Rs 1,500/month. However, Subbiah refused to pay and allegedly started to harass the woman.
The victim's family suspected that Subbiah was involved in harassing the woman by throwing garbage in front of the home. Due to the suspicion, the family installed a CCTV camera on July 10. On the same day at 8.30 pm the CCTV footage showed a man wearing a blue shirt, allegedly Subbiah, urinating near the grill gate of her home.
The family members with the CCTV footage approached Adambakkam police on July 11 seeking action against Subbiah. The nephew of the woman alleged that the police did not even give a CSR copy (Community Service Register) till July 18. He alleged that the political ties of the leader was stopping police into acting on the case.
However, Dr Subbiah denied his involvement in the act. He told TNM that the video was doctored and that it was not him.