Chennai BPO employee still missing after killing girlfriend
Chennai BPO employee still missing after killing girlfriend

Chennai BPO employee still missing after killing girlfriend

The News Minute | March 11, 2015 | 06.50 pm ISTA 25 year-old Chennai-based BPO firm executive who killed his girlfriend and absconded after his attempt to dispose off her body went awry is still missing.K Dinesh, an executive at Serco Global Services Ambatur, is believed to have killed his girlfriend S Aruna while they were in his apartment after a heated quarrel, reported Times of India. The couple is said to have had an argument after which Dinesh hit her with a flower vase, which killed her instantly , said the report. However, the incident came to light when Dinesh attempted to dispose off the body. 
After rolling the body in clothes and wrapping it in the same saree that Aruna had worn when she visited his apartment, he brought the body to the ground floor via an elevator . However, finding it difficult to lift and place it in his car, he requested his neighbour Harish for help, said the report. It was then that Harish became suspicious and alerted the security . Dinesh then left the body in the car and fled on his motorbike immediately.When the security guard found a woman’s hand protruding from the cloth bundle, the police was immediately brought in 
The suspect is still missing. TweetFollow @thenewsminute

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