YSRCP MP K Raghu Ramakrishna Raju, who was sent to 14-day remand till May 28 by a Crime Investigation Department (CID) court in Guntur, has alleged that he was beaten by the CID police while in custody. His lawyers have approached the Andhra Pradesh High Court with a habeas corpus petition. The CID on Saturday produced Raju before the Additional Metropolitan Magistrate after the High Court struck down his bail petition earlier in the day. The High Court has also constituted a special division bench to look into the beatings that Raju was allegedly subjected to in CID custody.
Taking note of the injuries on his feet, the court ordered a medical examination at two hospitals – a government hospital and thereafter at a private hospital. The High Court has asked for a report on the injury marks visible on Raju's body. The matter is listed for hearing on Sunday.
Meanwhile, Additional Advocate General Sudhakar Reddy alleged that Raju was misleading the court by making false claims of injuries after the high court turned down his bail petition earlier in the day. As per the reports, the MP has written a letter to the CID Courts Judge alleging that he was subjected to beatings in custody.
Raju, who represents the YSRCP from the Narasapuram Lok Sabha constituency, was arrested from his home in Hyderabad by the Andhra Pradesh CID on Friday. Raju, who was slapped with sedition charges, has been in the news for his tirades against YSRCP supremo and Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy.
It was on Friday that the rebel YSRCP MP was arrested from his residence in Hyderabad amid chaos. CID in a statement said there was information that the MP was indulging in hate speech that was creating tension within certain communities and was attacking government dignitaries.
A sedition case was slapped by the Mangalagiri CID Police and as per the FIR, the case was registered under Section 124 (A) (Sedition - Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards the Government established by law), Section 153(B) (committing offence that threatens the national integrity) and Section 505 (Public Mischief) read with 120(B) (Criminal conspiracy) of the IPC (Indian Penal Code).
With IANS inputs