Telangana’s Romeo and Juliet who weren’t: Couple marry in hospital after suicide bid
Telangana’s Romeo and Juliet who weren’t: Couple marry in hospital after suicide bid

Telangana’s Romeo and Juliet who weren’t: Couple marry in hospital after suicide bid

The young couple from Telangana had attempted to kill themselves after they faced objection to their relationship from their families. But their love eventually conquered all.

Nineteen-year-old Reshma sits on a bed wearing a bright purple lehenga with a garland of flowers around her neck. A baby wails in the distance, a machine beeps loudly, as Reshma with a tube stuck in her nose, is being readied in a hospital ward by two women for her wedding day. Her groom, 21-year-old Nawaz arrives on a wheelchair, pushed by his relatives to another hospital ward. Surrounded by family members, a Qazi then performs their marriage at the hospital.

This video of the young couple from Telangana getting married at a hospital in Vikarabad district on Thursday is doing the rounds on social media. The two had attempted to kill themselves after they faced objection to their relationship from their families. But for Telangana’s Romeo and Juliet, their love did not end in tragedy. For Reshma and Nawaz, their love eventually conquered all.

According to media reports, the couple had been in a relationship for the last two years but the families had objected to it as Reshma's elder sister was married to Nawaz's brother and they did not want a second marriage into the same family.  

It was earlier this week that Reshma allegedly attempted to kill herself after learning that her family was looking for an alliance for her. As she was rushed to the Vikarabad Government Hospital, Nawaz also learnt of the incident and reached the spot. Distraught about being parted from his loved one, he also attempted suicide. Nawaz was admitted in the same hospital. The couple was later shifted to the Crawford Memorial Hospital in Vikarabad town.

It was here that Reshma narrated what took place to a doctor who was treating her. The doctor in turn, counselled the families and convinced them to get the couple married.

"I happened to ask Reshma about her family and she narrated the story. I then called the family and counselled them. Reshma and Nawaz insisted on marriage and her condition was turning serious. The family, fearing another such attempt, agreed to their wedding," Dr Avinash from the hospital told a media outlet, adding that both of them would be discharged on Saturday.  

The police said that no case was registered as the families had settled the issue amicably and no complaint was filed.

Watch the video below.

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