The Telangana government has announced a compensation of Rs 5 lakh to the deceased in the recent rains. The government has also decided to increase the compensation for the dead cattle, goat and sheep. The decision was taken by Chief Minister Revanth Reddy after conducting a review meeting at the Integrated Command Control Centre in Hyderabad on Monday, September 2.
IT Minister D Sridhar Babu, Roads and Buildings Minister Komatireddy Venkat Reddy, DGP Jitender, Chief Secretary A Santhi Kumari and senior officials from various departments participated in the meeting.
According to the Chief Minister’s Office, the government has decided to immediately release Rs 5 crore to the flood-affected districts of Khammam, Bhadradri Kothagudem, Mahabubabad, and Suryapet, to carry out the relief measures.
The Chief Minister has appealed to the Union government to consider the damage caused due to heavy rains and floods as a national disaster. He also urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit the flood-affected areas.
The CM directed authorities to submit a comprehensive report on the flood damage to the Union government.
He urged the police Commissioners to take steps in avoiding traffic problems in Hyderabad city. Damaged roads should be repaired immediately. Problems arising in power supply should be resolved from time to time, he said.
Meanwhile, the Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy is set to inspect the flood-affected areas in Khammam on Monday, September 2.
Khammam is one of the worst-affected districts in the state due to rains. Several villages and towns are submerged under water after water bodies breached. No casualties were reported. Due to the floods, the residents were left stranded on rooftops of their house.
The heavy inflow in Munneru river has led to flood-like situation in the areas near floodplains of the river.