Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy on Wednesday, December 13, said that the security breach in the Parliament is of serious concern, terming it "an attack on democratic values". "It is not just an assault on Parliament House, but also on our democratic values," he posted from his handle on social media platform X.
The newly elected Chief Minister urged Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla to conduct a thorough investigation and take stringent action against the perpetrators of this act.
Meanwhile, the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) has also condemned the security breach in the Parliament. BRS leader and former minister T Harish Rao strongly condemned 'the security breach and commotion in the Lok Sabha, where two young men jumped from the gallery and hurled something that emitted gas'.
"This breach occurred even as the country observes the 2001 attack on Parliament. We pray for the safety of all the Parliamentarians, and we urge that the culprits be punished," he said.
The Parliament witnessed a major breach of security on Wednesday, December 13, on the 22nd anniversary of the Parliament attack. Two men, who were in the Visitors Gallery jumped into the House and set off yellow smoke from canisters. One of the men attempted to run towards the Speaker’s chair when he was overpowered by members of parliament (MPs). The two reportedly shouted the slogan, “Tanashahi nahi chalegi”, meaning ‘Dictatorship will not work’. The two people were detained immediately.