39-year-old Narender Singh, admitted to the outpatient ward of Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad on May 31, went missing and the Hyderabad police after 15 days have been unable to trace him. Gandhi Hospital is the nodal hospital for COVID-19 cases in Telangana and all suspected coronavirus cases are brought to the hospital for testing. The patient with cold and cough was transferred from King Koti hospital and admitted at Gandhi Hospital for COVID-19 testing.
Narender, a resident of Jinsi Chowrai in Hyderabad, developed a cold, cough and breathing problems on May 29. The family had filed a missing complaint at Mangalhat police station on June 6. “I had talked to him on May 31 morning. He was complaining about no one coming to check on him, he wasn’t given food the night before and his health condition was getting worse. After that, a relative of mine spoke to him past 9:30 am and since then his phone has been switched off,” said Mukesh Singh, brother of the missing man to TNM. “My brother doesn’t have COVID-19, he took bath in the night in cold water and got a cold because of that,” adds Mukesh.
The Mangalhat station house inspector G Ranaveer Reddy says a team had checked the hospital premises three times, yet has “no idea” where Narender is. The police have also been unable to trace the man through CCTV footage. “We sent a team to inspect the hospital but he is not there,” says Ranaveer, who also confirmed that Narender was indeed admitted to the Gandhi Hospital outpatient ward.
Narender was first taken to Osmania Hospital by his mother, Nirmala bai on May 30. At Osmania, the family was asked to go to Gandhi Hospital. “But the police at the gate told my mother that Gandhi was a COVID-19 hospital and instead asked her to take my brother to King Koti hospital,” says Mukesh. At Koti, Narender boarded an ambulance along with a few other patients. “The ambulance driver asked my mother to go home as relatives are not allowed at Gandhi Hospital,” the brother added.
“We went to the hospital on June 3 to check on him, searched everywhere but there was no sign of him,” says the brother. The family searched for Narender at Koti and Osmania hospitals before approaching the police on June 6.
The Gandhi Hospital superintendent was unavailable for comment.