Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) working president KT Rama Rao on Saturday, August 17 criticised Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy calling him a “megalomaniac” for having a giant portrait of himself sitting on a throne in the background during a meeting with Foxconn Chairman.
Two days later, on Monday, KTR showered praises on Tamil Nadu Minister for Industries TRB Rajaa for his “humility” as the Minister drove the Chairman from the airport to the Industrial housing facility in Tamil Nadu’s Vallam Vadagal.
KTR remarked that the Telangana CM lacked good manners. “What kind of a megalomaniac will have such glaringly distasteful pictures of himself in the meeting hall and that too when meeting global business leaders like Foxconn chairman Young Liu.” Hailing TRB Rajaa, KTR said that humility was a powerful virtue.
Foxconn Chairman Young Liu had met Revanth Reddy and expressed his interest to invest in Hyderabad. According to Foxconn, Liu was satisfied with the plans Telangana CM had for the city, especially the development of Mucherla as the fourth future city. Liu said that Hyderabad had scope to expand in all sectors, including industrial and service sectors.
Following the meeting, the Telangana CM said that the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad would be expanded to Mucherla, which would also have a health tourism hub with specialty hospitals. He also said that the city would be the hub for jobs, skills and sports.
Three southern states– Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Telangana– are keen to persuade Foxconn to expand in their respective states as the company said they want to go beyond smartphones and look at information communication technology (ICT), electric vehicles and digital health.