The Saroornagar police in Hyderabad on Wednesday booked a case against writer and Manuu professor Kancha Ilaiah for allegedly hurting Hindu sentiments.
The police was acting on the directions of a district court in Ranga Reddy.
The Times of India reported:
Ilaiah on May 14 gave a lecture in Vijayawada in a programme titled `Nationalism and Divergent Views' organised by CITU where he reportedly criticized Hindu gods and scriptures.
Following this, the report adds that an advocate filed a private petition in the court, requesting to register an FIR.
Ilaiah is no stranger to controversy and was issued a notice by another police station in Hyderabad last year, after a VHP activist filed a complaint against him for writing an article in a newspaper, titled 'Devudu Prajasamya Vaadi Kaada,' which translates to "Is God not a democrat?"
However, after a writ petition filed by Ilaiah, the Hyderabad High Court stayed all further proceedings in the criminal case that was registered against him for the article.