Sitting Villupuram MP S Rajendran was killed in an accident that took place early Saturday morning. The MP was on his way back home in Vanur from a dinner hosted by PMK's Ramadoss at Thailapuram. The accident took place around 6 am near Tindivanam in Villupuram district, when the car he was travelling hit the centre median of the road.
According to the Tindivanam police station, in the impact, the car, Toyota Etios, toppled, causing grievous injuries to him, the driver and two others in the vehicle. All four were taken to the nearest hospital, where Rajendran passed away.
The other three are currently undergoing treatment in the hospital now.
S Rajendran had won the Lok Sabha elections in 2014 from Villupuram constituency, defeating DMK's Dr Muthian on a margin of almost 2 lakh votes. In February 2017, Rajendran was one of the five AIADMK MPs to extend support to the O Panneerselvam camp.
He is survived by his wife, a son and two daughters.
The Lok Sabha MP is also a member of the standing committee on Chemicals and Fertilisers and Consultative Committee in Ministry of Civil Aviation.
(This is a developing story)