Senior BJP leader H Raja's house in Subramaniapuram 10th Street in Karaikudi in Tamil Nadu's Sivaganga district saw tense moments last night when unidentified miscreants hurled petrol bombs at the house and absconded.H Raja was not home when the incident occured on Monday night around 10:30PM. Nobody was injured in the incident.The police is investigating the matter.Janaki, one of H Raja's relative who lived in the house told reporters of TV channels in Karaikudi, "I thought they were throwing stones, but later realized it was petrol bombs. Everything was burning around here, it was the policeman who doused the fire with water." She said the policemen who were on protection detail also went chasing the perpetrators, possibly two of them. BJP leader H Raja has reportedly said that these were deliberate attacks on him.TN BJP leader Tamilisai Soundarajan also released a statement in condemning the incident and sought the state's intervention to make sure this does not happen again.