For those not aware of the recent clashes in Ambur following the death of a youth named Shameel Ahmed in police custody, C Martin Premraj is the Pallikonda inspector who was suspended on charges of custodial torture of the man.
The rowdy inspector seems to be on a law-breaking spree.
Premraj was arrested by Forest Department officials on Friday for hunting a deer in Nagercoil, states a Times of India report.
Along with Premraj, three other officials including a retired police head constable of Kortrikodu and a jewellery merchant were arrested, and the police seized 50 kg of deer meat, two rifles, several rounds of ammunition and a car. The police are on a look out for six others in relation to the case who managed to escape their clutches.
CB-CID probing Ahmed's death had summoned Premraj twice for questioning and when he did not show up, they launched a search for him, adds the report.