Amidst the heavy rain in Chennai on Monday, December 4, a sinkhole was formed in Kasturi Rangan 3rd street off Cathedral Road. Visuals from the spot show a huge sinkhole and a transformer collapsing. The incident occurred around 3:30 pm. An eye hospital is being constructed near the road that caved in. A small temple too collapsed into the sink hole. NDRF ordered residents who live on this road, leading to Poes Garden, to evacuate. There is fear that if the sinkhole deepens, it can damage buildings nearby. Thousand Lights MLA Ezhilan Naganathan told TNM that traffic barricades have been placed in the area to ensure commuters don't go through the area.
Another sinkhole developed near the Five Furlong Road junction in Velachery when an under construction building caved in. As per reports, at least 10 people were suspected to be trapped inside the building and rescue operations are underway. Apart from that, a newly constructed wall collapsed in Kanathur on East Coast Road resulting in the death of two people and seriously injuring another person. The deceased persons were identified as residents of Jharkhand and further investigation is underway.
Several parts of Chennai received more than 20 cm rainfall in the last 24 hours. The heavy rains were triggered by Cyclone Michaung. As of 4 pm on December 4, Cyclone Michaung lies in the seas off the Ponneri-Sriharikota belt. It is expected to move along north Tamil Nadu and south Andhra Pradesh before making landfall between Nellore and Machilipatnam at 11: 30 am on December 5.
Verified helpline numbers:
Chennai corporation (tree fall/waterlogging) -1913
Electricity - 94987 94987
Metro water and sewage - 044 4567 or 1916
Snake rescue - 044 2220 0335
LPG gas leakage - 1906
Chennai metro rail - 1860425 1515
Blue cross (animal rescue) -
Chennai Cares (on X) - @ChennaiCares
Ambulance - 108
Police - 100