White walkers, dragons and mysteries we cannot wait to unravel: The new GoT trailer is here

Winter is here, and it's going to be colder than ever!
White walkers, dragons and mysteries we cannot wait to unravel: The new GoT trailer is here
White walkers, dragons and mysteries we cannot wait to unravel: The new GoT trailer is here
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Take a deep breath. Hold it. Widen eyes. Release. Jump up and down in anticipation.

That pretty much sums up our reaction at the new Game of Thrones trailer. Yep, it's here! HBO released a brand new trailer for the upcoming season 7 of the series on Wednesday and it is everything you'd have hoped for. 

There's a determined Sansa and shrewd Little Finger telling her to fight all her battles in the mind. Then there's Jon Snow, with a plea (probably to Danaerys?) for their families to fight together against the common enemy. There's also the said enemy - white walkers - seemingly making their move. 

And then there are Danaerys' majestic dragons, a flaming sword, and a fleeting scene of Greyworm and Missandei kissing (finally!). This also has to be one of the most sans sex and nudity trailer that Game of Thrones has come up with, reinforcing our fears - Winter is here and it's going to be colder than ever!

Watch the trailer here:

Season 7 is set to premiere on July 16. And we can hardly wait!  

Watch the previous trailer here.

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