The CBI on Saturday registered two more FIRs in the Vyapam scam in Madhya Pradesh, taking the total number of cases registered by it to 12.The agency registered cases pertaining to illegalities in the contractual school teachers eligibility test - grade II and III. Both the cases are related to tests conducted by Vyapam or the Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board in 2011.While there were 99 people mentioned as accused in the FIR concerning contractual school teachers eligibility test - grade III, 76 people have been mentioned as accused in the other FIR.The cases have been registered under the Information and Technology Act, Prevention of Corruption Act and the Madhya Pradesh Recognised Examinations Act.The Supreme Court had on July 9 handed over investigation in the scam and the over 40 deaths linked to it to the Central Bureau of Investigation. A 40-member CBI team began probing the scam earlier this week.Vyapam (or the Madhya Pradesh Vyavsayik Pariksha Mandal) conducts recruitment and entrance exams not held by the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission.The Vyapam scam came to light in 2013 and has since assumed mind-boggling proportions, leading to the arrest of nearly 2,100 people. At least 40 people linked in some way to the scam have also died. IANS