With Lok Sabha elections around the corner, the Union Government has accelerated efforts to promote ‘brand Narendra Modi’ and the latest one in the campaign is printing the Prime Minister’s photograph on foodgrain sacks distributed through the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKY). But the question is, at what cost does this brand promotion happen?
In a Right to Information (RTI) request filed by activist Ajay Bose, seeking information regarding tenders floated by the Jaipur regional office of the Food Corporation of India (FCI), it was found that orders have been placed for synthetic bags with the PM’s image, at a cost of Rs 13.29 crores. These bags will be used in Rajasthan, it is unclear how much has been spent for bags in other states.
As per the response from the FCI, orders have been placed for 1.07 crore bags, with each costing Rs 12.375 each. It also says that the contracts in Rajasthan have been handed over to companies such as Salasar Technotex Pvt Ltd, Rajasthan Flexible Packaging Ltd and Alliance Polysacks Pvt Ltd.
Under the PMGKY scheme, free food grain bags are to be distributed to over 80 crore beneficiaries of the Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and Priority Households (PHH). As per reports, more than 70 crore people received food grains between 2020 and 2022.
While Rajasthan is buying synthetic bags worth Rs 12.3 for each bag, Nagaland is buying for Rs 9.3 for each bag. The contract for Nagaland has been handed over to Rajasthan Flexible Packaging.
According to a report by The Hindu, an official in the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, was quoted to have said that, “During the free grain distribution under PMGKAY that started in 2020 when the pandemic began, unbranded 50 kg jute sacks were used to disburse grain. The branding of bags with faces of political figures has begun in 2024, ahead of the election”.