Amazon in trouble after selling doormats with Hindu gods, BoycottAmazon trends
Amazon in trouble after selling doormats with Hindu gods, BoycottAmazon trends

Amazon in trouble after selling doormats with Hindu gods, BoycottAmazon trends

Things took a turn for the worse, after people realized that the website also had Islamic themed door mats for sale found itself in trouble on Saturday night after it was discovered that the website had door mats with Hindu gods and goddesses on them for sale.

#BoycottAmazon soon started trending on social media with outraged people venting out on the company.

Things took a turn for the worse, after people realized that the website also had Islamic themed door mats for sale.

This is not the first time that Amazon has gotten into trouble over such a situation. 

In 2014, Hindu cleric Rajan Zed noted that the website was selling women’s leggings carrying images of various Hindu Gods.

At the time, Zed said, “Hindus welcome the art world to immerse in Hinduism but [for] taking it seriously and respectfully and not for refashioning Hinduism concepts and symbols for personal agendas. Barbie-fication of Kali is simply improper, wrong and out of place.”

Amazon is yet to respond to the incident.

There were also some other reactions to the whole fiasco.

The News Minute