The mortal remains of the migrant worker, who was allegedly beaten to death in Valakam in Kerala, were cremated by the Kerala police on April 23. Muvattupuzha police cremated his body in Neriamangalam public crematorium after his family informed the police that they could not come and claim the body due to their poor financial condition. Since April 5, the body has been at the general hospital mortuary at Muvattupuzha in Ernakulam, as authorities awaited the arrival of blood relatives.
His brother-in-law's friends came to collect his body a few days after his death, however, they were turned back by the police because mortal remains can only be handed over to blood relatives. His family had already spent Rs 35,000 for the airfare of these friends and was unable to find money to come back again.
Twenty-four-year-old Asok Das came to Kerala two to three years ago and worked as a cook in restaurants in Muvattupuzha. He was also a budding rap musician who had a YouTube channel named MuNNu. On the day when he was tragically killed, Asok visited his female friend, also a former coworker. According to police he created a ruckus here which led to local residents assembling and questioning him. He was later caught by them, tied to a pole and allegedly beaten up.
The Muvattupuzha police have arrested 10 persons in connection with Asok’s murder and charged them under Section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code after a preliminary investigation. They are under judicial remand. Many residents whom TNM spoke to earlier, said no one harmed Asok and all those who have been arrested are innocent. As per the post-mortem report, Asok had injuries on his head and in the lungs.