On Tuesday morning, Kerala Transport Commissioner Tomin J Thachankary issued an unusual circular to all the Road Transport Offices (RTOs) in the state asking them to ‘celebrate’ his birthday.
The circular that was captivatingly headlined ‘Today is my birthday’ mentioned that sweets should be distributed at all RTOs and that Thachankary would reimburse all the expenses incurred in this regard.
The IPS officer who is always in the news for ‘courting’ trouble actually has his birthday on Wednesday. But since he was in Kochi for a meeting on Tuesday, Thachankary himself reportedly triggered off a ‘spontaneously deliberate’ cake-cutting ceremony at the transport commissioner’s office.
As per media reports, junior transport officials were initially baffled by the ‘birthday’ mail and Thachankary’s suggestion to cut a cake and distribute sweets at every RTO in the state. It was only after the commissioner’s declaration of bearing all expenses -that came later- did the officials breathe easy.
What added chutzpah to the two-page circular was Thachankary’s solemn detailing of all his achievements till date, as well as the success of all initiatives that were undertaken under his patronage in the department. His future plans too found a prideful place of mention in it.
Tuesday’s ‘birthday’ celebrations apparently caught officials so much by surprise that a few of them rushed to get greeting cards, only to embarrassingly realise that some of them were addressed to ‘Dear sister’ on her birthday!
Nipping the potential for a plausible controversy-in-the-making, state Transport Minister AK Saseendran told the media that there are no restrictions placed on government officials to celebrate their birthdays in office and it is a matter of personal choice.
The minister however went on to add that it was for the official to deem the 'appropriateness' of his act.
Reports also say that Thachankary cut a birthday cake at a petrol pump to declare his support for the compulsory helmet drive for two-wheeler riders.
Here’s wishing a Very Happy Birthday to Thachankary on behalf of TNM as well!