Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan on Thursday, March 28, appointed former High Court Judge A Hariprasad as an Inquiry Commissioner to probe the death of veterinary student Sidharthan. Hariprasad is tasked to investigate the alleged lapses of the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University management in connection with the death of Sidharthan, a second-year student.
Twenty-year-old Sidharthan was found dead in the college’s men’s hostel washroom on February 18. Though the police had initially considered Sidharthan’s death a case of suicide, the post-mortem report and further investigations revealed that he was viciously assaulted by his college mates. Following an investigation, 18 students, including four members of the Students’ Federation of India, were arrested for their alleged involvement in the death.
As per the Governor’s order, the Commission will conduct an inquiry into the lapses, and omissions of University administration. “The Commission shall report on the failures, if any, on the part of the Vice Chancellor in preventing the above-mentioned incident,” the order states.
According to the order, Retired Deputy Superintendent of Police, Kunhan VG, Wayanad Special Branch is appointed to assist the Commission in the inquiry. The Commission shall suggest preventive measures to avert similar incidents in the future.
The order directed the Vice Chancellor of the University to provide all the required assistance to the Commission to facilitate the inquiry. The University shall bear all the expenses for the Commission including remuneration, hospitality, conveyance etc. The Commission has been ordered to submit its inquiry report to the Governor at the earliest and preferably within three months from the date of its first sitting of inquiry.