Senior nursing officer PB Anitha, who was transferred from the Kozhikode Medical College Hospital (KMCH) in Kerala allegedly after she stood in support of a woman who was sexually assaulted at the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU), rejoined the institute on Sunday, April 7. The Director of Medical Education (DME) issued her an appointment order on April 6, the sixth day since she began a protest at the principal's office, alleging that KMCH authorities had transferred her as an act of revenge over her solidarity to the survivor.
The KMCH had refused to reappoint her so far despite a High Court order specifying that she should be reinstated in her previous position by April 1. But the DME delayed the appointment order claiming there was a shortage of job vacancies, following which Anitha launched a protest on April 1. The DME meanwhile filed a review petition in the High Court against the verdict. Her appointment order mentions that her reinstatement would be subject to the High Court's verdict on the review petition.
The alleged incident of sexual assault at the KMCH took place on March 18, 2023, when a male attender at the hospital allegedly sexually assaulted a semiconscious patient who was in the ICU after a surgery. It was subsequently learnt that six other employees at the hospital, all of them women, later threatened the survivor to withdraw the complaint against the accused. Anitha reported this to the KMCH authorities, following which all six of them were suspended from service. The hospital then transferred Anitha to Idukki in November 2023, after she repeated her statement against the six employees before the police as well as the internal inquiry panel under the DME.
On April 5, the survivor in the sexual assault case joined Anitha’s protest. The Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) also extended their solidarity to her protest.
Speaking to the media, Health Minister Veena George had alleged Anitha was transferred due to a supervisory lapse on her part in providing protection to the survivor. To this, Anitha responded, “If there had been any lapses in my work, I would not have been re-appointed. It is clear now that I did not commit any lapses.” She added that she was happy about her reinstatement, but said she would continue her protest until she got the order in her hand.
Anitha has also filed a contempt of court petition against the state government for refusing her reinstatement, and she reportedly has no plans to withdraw the petition. The court will consider her petition on April 8.