In a heartwarming gesture, 28-year-old Ambulance driver Arun Kumar from Kerala went the extra mile for nearly 3,000 kilometres to fulfil the last wish of a 60-year-old patient in comatose. With the patient Bodhini Bhahan and her son Sowthish and his family, Arun started his journey from Kerala’s Kollam on April 22 to Raiganj in West Bengal and completed it in just two and a half days.
Bodhini Bhahan wanted to visit her hometown in West Bengal’s Raiganj, which was 2,766 kilometres away from Kerala, before her death but could not afford the means to do so. Sowthish, who works at a brick factory in Kollam’s Mynagappally, knew of his mother’s wish and wanted to realise it.
Arun, who heard the circumstances of the family, decided to help them and was ready to take the payment in two instalments. While other ambulance drivers demanded a minimum of Rs 2 lakh, Arun agreed to take them to Raiganj for Rs 90,000. “As the family could not afford a flight ticket, they started looking for alternative options. It was difficult for Bodhini to travel by train for two days and hence they started the search for ambulance services. Sowthish was unable to pay the other ambulance drivers as they demanded exorbitant amounts and was hopeless to get his mom to her hometown,” Arun told TNM, adding that he only stopped at petrol bunks and for meal breaks and did not waste any time.
Sowthish, who got in touch with Arun through the Emirates Ambulance service, promised to give Rs 40,000 initially and the rest of the money later. Arun started the journey on the morning of April 22 from Mynagappally with Bodhini, Sowthish, his wife and two children and reached the destination on April 24 evening.