The Hema Committee report on Malayalam cinema has exposed rampant abuse and sexual harassment in the industry. However, the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA), the apex body of artists in the state, has its priority clear: an upcoming stage show.
Addressing the media on the evening of Monday, August 19, general secretary of AMMA and actor Siddique said that they can comment on the issue only after the stage show ‘Mazhavil Entertainment Awards 2024’ on Tuesday, August 20, at Angamaly in Kerala’s Ernakulam district. A portion of the funds will go towards the rehabilitation of people affected by the landslides in Wayanad.
Siddique stated, "We are aware that the report has been released, but we still need to understand its implications and how we should respond. We've been busy rehearsing for a stage show in Ernakulam, which is our current priority. This is a very sensitive issue, and we need to be cautious with our words. A single mistake from me or a colleague could lead to further complications. We are bound to respond, and we will do so after thoroughly studying the report."
Siddique said the association needs to study why there was discrimination, how it happened, who was the complainant, and who the complaint was against. Responding to a question on ‘casting couch’, a euphemism for sexual harassment in the film industry, Siddique asked the reporter to explain the issue and said such activities are criminal activities and are not justified. “But we can only take action if we know the details. Hence, I am requesting time,” he stated, adding that the association was open to rectifying its mistakes.
AMMA joint secretary and actor Baburaj said that with the arrival of mobile cameras, “anyone can shoot anything and show it to anyone” and that this has led to these insecurities. He also said that channels are only showing highlights of the documents and that the association members were yet to study the report.
“My opinion is that the association should do the maximum that they can [to solve the issue]. The report mentions junior artists. I came [to the industry] as a junior artist. We will respond in detail after studying the report. My wife (actor Vani Viswanath) used to say that when shoots happened in places like Pollachi, they had to change dresses behind a sari. That’s how it used to be early on. But now there are caravans. If they are still not being given protection, it is wrong,” Baburaj stated.
Stating that “anybody could raise allegations against anyone these days,” AMMA’s vice president and actor, R Jayan, said there was no clarity on the issue and women work with them because they feel safe. “We are always on the side of women,” he added.
A redacted version of the report was released to the public on Monday, August 19. It acknowledged that most women in cinema were reluctant to divulge their traumatic experiences, particularly sexual harassment, fearing consequences including getting banned from the industry and being subjected to “other harassments.” The reasons for the harassment are structural and have existed since the beginning, said the report.