In a bid to send a strong message to the public and survivors in the Prajwal Revanna rape cases, the Karnataka police has decided to depute only women police personnel to escort him in public. Five women police officers, including a Superintendent of Police, escorted Prajwal from the airport in the early hours of May 31. The move is aimed at displaying the seriousness of the government and also to express solidarity with the survivors.
Prajwal, who fled the country on April 26 after accusations of sexual assault, was detained by immigration officials and Central Industry Security Forces at the Bengaluru International airport on Friday morning, May 31, and handed over to the Special Investigation Team (SIT).
Prajwal, who is the grandson of former Prime Minister and Janata Dal (Secular) patriarch HD Deve Gowda, will be taken to Bowring Hospital at 11 am for a medical check-up and then be presented before the Magistrate. In both these instances, women police officers will accompany him.
After his detention, the Hassan MP was taken to the CID Headquarters at Carlton House on Palace Road. According to sources, he demanded to be housed in a special cell in the headquarters and cited his privileges as a Member of Parliament, but the police denied his plea and lodged him in a regular cell without any additional amenities. Besides, the police have also decided to escort Prajwal only in their Bolero vehicles – their old fleet, instead of the luxurious MPVs (Innovas) – a symbolic gesture to signify that the accused will not receive any privileged treatment.
A top police official said that Prajwal will not be allowed to cover his face while being escorted in public by the SIT. “It is to send a message that Prajwal won’t be receiving any special treatment while in custody. The measure is also intended to extend solidarity with the survivors.”
Prajwal is accused of raping four women and videographing sexual acts with more than 70 women. He is said to have recorded nearly 3,000 videos of such acts and some of the videos were circulated in Hassan district in the days leading up to the election for the Hassan MP seat to which Prajwal is seeking re-election.
TNM has been continuously reporting on this case, speaking to survivors and others affected, to explore the profound societal impact of the sexual abuse videos. Our coverage can be accessed here.