A First Information Report (FIR) has been registered against Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat at the Srirangapatna Town police station in Mandya district, Karnataka. The complaint, filed by former JD(S) member and activist Najma Nazeer, accused Prabhakar of making provocative remarks about Muslim women and promoting religious animosity during an address at the Sankeertana Yatra organised by Hindu Jagrana Vedike as part of the Hanuman Jayanti celebrations in Srirangapatna on December 24.
Prabhakar Bhat had said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government had granted Muslim women "permanent husbands" by criminalising the practice of triple talaq (instant divorce). He claimed that before this intervention, Muslim women did not have stable marriages, stating, "Muslim women didn’t have permanent husbands, they had different husbands every day. PM Narendra Modi gave them permanent husbands."
In her complaint, Najma said that the RSS leader targeted Muslim women with insulting comments and propagated religious hatred, creating a potential threat to communal harmony. She added that the RSS leader spoke obscenely about women in a public space, violating their privacy, and intentionally promoted enmity between Hindus and Muslims, posing a risk to societal peace.
In response to the complaint, the Srirangapatna Town police station has registered an FIR against Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat under multiple sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The charges include Section 294 (dealing with uttering obscene words in a public place), Section 509 (dealing with words or gestures that intrude into the privacy of women), and Section 153A (promoting enmity between different groups on ground of religion), and Section 298 (deliberate hurting of religious feelings).