The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Karnataka Lokayukta has sought the permission of Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot to prosecute Union Minister for Heavy Industries and Steel and former Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy, in the 2007 illegal iron ore mining case.
According to reports, the Special Investigation Team wrote to the Governor on Monday, August 19, seeking his accord for prosecution under Section 197 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and 19 of the Prevention of Corruption Act. The sanction will allow the SIT to file a chargesheet against the Janata Dal (Secular) leader.
Kumaraswamy, who was the Chief Minister in 2007, is accused of granting a 550-acre mining lease to Sri Sai Venkateshwara Minerals in Sandur, Ballari district, by flouting mining and mineral laws. Kumaraswamy was arrested in the case in 2015 but was later released on bail.
The Lokayukta SIT had first sought the sanction from the Governor to prosecute Kumaraswamy in November last year. However, the Governor’s office demanded additional information. Following which the SIT provided the required details and submitted a renewed request on August 19.
This development follows the recent action of Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot issuing prosecution sanction against Chief Minister Siddaramaiah. The Governor allowed the CM to be prosecuted in the alleged irregularities in site allotment by the Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA).
The JD(S) is yet to make a statement on the issue.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has raised concerns over the delay by the Governor in granting permission to prosecute Kumaraswamy. He alleged the Governor should not “pick and choose” in the matter of granting sanction for prosecution.
Siddaramaiah also criticised the Governor for allegedly withholding permission to prosecute former Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Ministers Shashikala Jolle, Murugesh Nirani, and G. Janardhana Reddy.