After the successful rescue of two-year-old Satwik Mujagonda, who fell into an open borewell in Karnataka's Vijayapura, Large and Medium Industries Minister MB Patil directed the district administration to conduct a survey in the district to identify any borewells which are left open. Noting that there is already a provision in the law stipulating stringent action against those who leave borewells open, he said that legal steps will be initiated against those who have not taken care to close borewells.
Satwik fell into a newly drilled 400-foot deep open borewell while playing in a field at around 6 pm on Wednesday, April 3. According to the police, the borewell was drilled the previous day on agricultural land owned by his parents to provide water for sugarcane and lemon crops but its opening remained unclosed.
Doctors said the toddler survived the almost 20-hour ordeal without any health complications. "The survival of the two-year-old child without food, water, air, and light in the darkness 20 feet down in a narrow hole is a wonder," Dr Archana Kulkarni, the Medical Officer at the Indi Government Hospital, noted. As he fell head first, he was sent for a CT scan to the Vijayapura District Hospital.
The doctor said that the child had sustained no injuries, and his pulse rate, oxygen levels, and all other vitals were normal. Though the narrow pipe inside the open borewell hole did not allow the slightest movement for the child for about 20 hours, he is not showing even symptoms of fatigue or the slightest of sickness after the ordeal, the doctor added.
Meanwhile, top leaders cheered for the successful rescue operation and congratulated the National Disaster Response Team (NDRF), the State Disaster Response Team (SDRF), district authorities, police, and local residents who made it possible.
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said: "The day and night work of authorities and the public who slogged to rescue the child is commendable. The prayers of crores of people and his family has resulted in success. The child joining his parents after winning over death is a moment to cherish. I am happy. Despite repeated tragedies, people are showing negligence in closing open borewells after drilling."
JD-S state President and former Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy said that Satwik had won over death and came back to his parents. "Let him recover soon. The most challenging rescue mission has been successful and it is a matter of extreme joy. The whole state is indebted to the efforts of the NDRF, SDRF, Fire Force and Emergency Services staff and police," he added.
BJP leader and former CM Basavaraj Bommai stated, "My heartfelt congratulations to the staff members who carried out a 20-hour-long rescue operation. It is our duty to ensure that these mishaps won’t be repeated."
Minister MB Patil, who is also the District Minister for Vijayapura, appreciated the efforts of teams involved in the successful rescue of the two-year-old child who fell into the borewell at Lachchana village in the district.
Expressing his happiness at the child being rescued alive, he hailed the efforts of the NDRF, the SDRF team, Fire personnel, and police who carried out an operation for about 20 hours. He also thanked the local people for extending support to the operation and the district administration for coordinating the overall process.
After coming to know about the incident on Wednesday evening, the minister instructed the district administration to immediately commence rescue operations. He was in continuous contact with the district administration until the completion of the operation on Thursday afternoon.