In a bid to create a ‘sattvic’ dress code, two Hindutva outfits have started installing boards seeking mandatory enforcement of dress codes for men and women in Bengaluru temples from January 10, Wednesday. The Hindu groups, Karnataka Devasthana Mahasangha (Karnataka Temples Association) and Hindu Janajagruta Samiti have the temple managements in Bengaluru to implement a dress code from Wednesday, January 10 and allow devotees to enter temples only in Indian traditional attire.
As part of the campaign, the group will put up boards before temples and enforce strict rules in this regard from Wednesday. As per the dress code that these groups want, men should not be allowed in shorts, distressed jeans, T-shirt showing chest and women will not be allowed inside the temples wearing shorts, midi, and distressed jeans.
Mohan Gowda, state spokesperson of the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti in Bengaluru told TNM, “The campaign starts today and we will be putting up posters in all the temples. People should wear ‘sattvic’ clothing when visiting temples.”
The posters put up by the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti in the Sri Laxmi Venkataramana Temple at Vasanth Nagar in Bengaluru asks devotees not to enter temples clad in “indecent, vulgar dresses.” They also maintain that protecting the sanctity of the temple is paramount to religious duty.
The Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and Karnataka Temple-Mutt and Religious Institutions Federation held a meeting recently in Hubbali and decided that a dress code needs to be implemented.