Around seven schools in Bengaluru were evacuated after a bomb threat email was sent to them on Friday morning. The email sent to one of the schools at 11.09 am on Friday, April 8, claimed that a “very powerful bomb” had been placed in the schools. The police were informed immediately after the emails were received and searches are being conducted by the bomb squad within the premises of the schools.
Most of the schools that received the email are located in East Bengaluru. The bomb squad and sniffer dogs are at the schools conducted a thorough search. The police have sealed the area and a parent told TNM that students have been asked to go home, and that the schools will arrange transportation.
The email that was sent to the schools said that a bomb has been planted in the school and that it was “not a joke.” “Immediately call the police and sappers, hundreds of lives may suffer, including yours, do not delay, now everything is only in your hands,” the email stated, as per a screenshot.
According to the DCP of East Zone, Bheemashankar Guled, police officers in the area received calls from at least two schools about the incident — Indian Public School in Govindpura limits and the St Vincent Pallotti school. Officers have been deputed to the spot and are investigating the situation, he said. He added that the identity of those behind the bomb threats has not been ascertained yet.
This is a developing story.
Five schools in #Bengaluru have recieved threat emails claiming bomb has been placed in their schools. Bomb disposable squads are on their way. @DCPEASTBCP
— Imran Khan (@KeypadGuerilla) April 8, 2022